A.I.CHEM. is a leading company in the detergency field.

The company was initially founded as a company for the production of hand washing paste, and then it expanded the market for its products to automotive and community fields.
The constant growth of the company allows our presence in the italian market with personal agents and regional and interregional distributors; on the international market, both the european and extra-european one, the company relies on a chain of extremely specialized importers.
In the last years the company has been investing in the expansion of its structure and production and in the innovation of its products, in order to offer always the best service to our costumers.


Always consider the costumer the centre of our attention.

Offer the best service to our costumers.
Consider the importance of the costumer in our concept of service, taking responsibility for all his needs.
Always be synonymous of quality and innovation, respecting the environment.
Extend our vaste range of products to new fields.
Improve continously the company’s processes and products with the perspective to protect the Invironment, the health and the safety of our staff, costumers and the final users.


A.I.CHEM. has always been synonymous of quality and innovation.

What makes our products unique and extremely innovative is our attention to details: in our laboratories products are formulated and tested with the best care, and produced according to the real needs of the final user.
Thanks to an efficient system of communication between the parts of the organization, partners and costumers, we managed to have a continous improvement in our services and products, following the market’s standards.
Our laboratories are continously researching for formulations that could allow the extension of the range of our products to new fields with more innovative ones, and the improvement and the expansion of the pre-existing products, in the total respect for the environment.


"Treat the earth well; it was not given to you by your parents; it was loaned to you by your children".

Always following this motto, our productive politics try to eliminate the pollution sources, and to preserve the natural resources.

We have taken up the challenge to unite respect for the environment with chemistry, not only with our dedication to simple tests on the products, but also investing in the research for safer substances and technologies to guarantee the protection and the respect for the environment.
